Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Duration of Life by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimms

When God created the world, he decided to fix the duration of life for all creatures. He called the donkey and said, “Will thirty years be fine for you?”
The donkey replied, “I will have to carry heavy burden, thirty years is too long.” God reduced his age to eighteen years. Then he called the dog and said, “I hope thirty years is fine for you.” The dog said, “I will soon lose my teeth and sit in the corner, thirty years is too much.” God reduced it to twelve years. Then came the monkey and God said, “How does thirty years sound?” The monkey replied, “I have to do silly things to make people laugh. Thirty years is too much.” God reduced it to ten years.

Then God called man and asked him if thirty years was good enough for him to live well. The man replied, “I have to build my house and plant the trees. How can I die before I get pleasure from my house and before the plants start bearing fruits? Thirty years is too less.” God said, “I will give you eighteen years of the donkey’s life.”

The man was greedy and wanted more. God said, “You can take twelve years of the dog’s life.” “Can I have some more?” asked the man. Finally God said, “Take ten years of the monkey’s life and no more.”

Therefore, the first thirty years of man’s life are his own, when he enjoys. The next eighteen are of a donkey’s when he has to carry burdens. The next ten years are those of a dog’s life when he loses his teeth and lies in a corner, and the last ten years are that of monkey’s life when he does silly things!


kate said...

I have heard this story before, but only in latvian. I think the idea about life levels is quite good and it is true in real life too.

bumbuliiic112 said...

i hadn`t heard this story before so i was interested to read it. i think there is a big part of the truth because my great-grandmother always do silly things!

Nilsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss said...

Fascinating... but seriously I have heard this one in latvian but it was a bit different....

irbe said...
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irbe said...

I hadn't read this story before. It was interesting but little bit strange because i don't think that people in their last years of life do silly thing or lie in a corner but maybe ;D

Oskars said...

Ideas about what people do in their different life stages are quite interesting, but i can't figure out what means:"..he loses his teeth and lies in a corner."

Artūrs said...

This is a very nice story. I like it..

Anonymous said...

This is a good,and an interesting story,I have never heard this before.I agree with this,especially with the donkey years,but not completely,because sometimes people really do silly things when they get old,but sometimes not.I suggest that this story is worth considering.DB

Elīna said...

I like this story, because the story is taken from life and it is true.

Emīls said...

I think I haven't heard this story before, so at-least it was interesting to read. I think that the general idea behind the story is quite wise and I like how the greediness of mankind is shown. That's about it.

P.S. Nice blog ;)

Zane said...

I haven't heard this story before, so it was something new and interesting for me. I think that its quite true and it really corresponds to human life.

Linda said...

I have heard this story before and at the first time I thought about it a wile because it is from life and I haven't thought about life in that way before.

Kate. said...

This story was very interesting. However, I cannot agree with everything especially the last part when he says that people do silly things when they're old .. But everything else is true and we do live like that. :) /K.K.L/

Balode said...

This story is quite famous and I think that most of the people have already heard it.It's interesting and I agree about thirty years,but next eighteen years depends on the person.If he wants to live wealthy he needs to work hard,but not everyone does that.In the period between 50-60 people really begin to suffer and after that start to do funny things.Teenagers think that old people are sillu because they live in a different world and see thing differently.I like this story, it makes you thing about your own life.

Anonymous said...

I read this story for the first time. I don't really agree with everything that is said in it because people are different and sometimes old people enjoy their lives more than teenagers./v.k/

Dita said...

I never heard this story before, so I was interested to read. I like this story. And I mostly agree with this story.

Katrīna said...

This story is very interesting,but there is something I didn't like. People are different and you cant put all of them in those layers.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed this story, actually, from an early age, I have always loved Grimms fairy tales, and this isn't exception. I perceive the idea about man live levels, and I think that, the story is so true.

Elizabete said...

I liked this story, it was very intresting.

Guna said...

I haven't read this story before, but I really liked it and it was very interesting.

Anonymous said...

i heard this story few years ago and it was a little different, but i liked this version too.


Z.K.K. said...

This was very interesting to read because I heard it the first time. Actually, I agree with these stories subtext.Our stages of life in real justifies it. But also i think that everything could change-in whole world have different people, like pensioner who in they ages are crazier than in youth.

A.I. said...

I already knew this fairy tale but it was interesting to read it one more time. Especially in English:)

Unknown said...

Oh, I heard this story first time. Excally, I think, that everybody is a little bit donkey or monkey, or dog in every stage of life, because not everybody are similar, everyone is a person with his own nature.


Liiba said...

Although, I don't fully agree with this story, but I think it is a very interesting way to tell children aboutwhy we're all different.

Gija said...

I liked this story, because there was some kind of a true. I haven't heard about this story, but I have heard about some others like that.

Madara Lība said...

I find this story very amuzing and true. But I don't think that the last phase in our life is a monkey, because really old people.. are not funny.

Anonymous said...

I haven't heard this story before, but it was interesting for me. I think that it is rather close description about people's destiny to real life (especially in the last paragraph). I enjoyed it! :)

Student K.

Kristiāna said...

I've heard this story before and I think it's true.

Zane said...

I haven`t heard this story before and think it`s true, because, in different time in our life, we think in different way.

Kintija said...

I heard this story first time. And from the begining I don't understand this story. Bet when I read last paragraph I realized that in people life everything happens the same way.. :)

Tara said...

I heard this story before. Everything depends on a person. Most of the people live like that but not everybody. Every person is different. That is why I do not agree to this story's idea completely.


Anonymous said...

It depends on the person, how he lives, what kind of past he had and so on..
But mostly it is true

DJ said...

I've heard something similar, but not this story. I can't say that I agree fully. Because there are people who live like that, but not everybody. Each person is different.

Inese said...

When I heard this story for the first time a few years ago, I did't pay much attention to the main idea and for me it was 'just another story'. Now, after all these years I can say that...
To believe it or not depends on one's belief. I'm not quite sure if everything should be explained by God's actions, but since I'm not much of a believer myself, it's not my right to judge the religious part. I suppose that the main idea about what happens with people in specific stages of life is all true (also it may vary for each individually, since people are so different from each other). Anyway, I think that the story is very good, just as every other by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimms.

Ralfs K. said...

Despite the fact that this was the first time when I actually read the orginal story, not some cheap interpretation thats ment to be "funny", I didn't like it, because I find it inaccurate ( atleast according to my beliefs ). But that is just my opinion.

Līva I. said...

I haven`t heard this story before, but I think, It was very interesting and something new. I really liked it. Well, it made me laugh.