Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Urban Art

Read the article and 
1) express your opinion on the topic,
2) choose one of the works and explain the idea of it.


elina said...

I liked it - That all look`s really cool. I would like if smth like that could have been seen in Latvia.

Anonymous said...


I liked the Economy Ice Sculpture by Nora Ligorano and Marshall Reese, therefore, that in 2008 it was a very relevant topic as the world economy began breaking down and the work it represents and makes us think about it, because we can stop the economic downturn and global warming always springs to mind when look forward to the melt. Most of my speech, the fact that people could watch the sculpture melting, but can not help it gives an incentive to think.

Ance said...

I think that this is very interesting and Urban art installations attract attention.
I really like Cityscope, because it's colourful and at night it shining like a rainbow.

Anonymous said...

I sink... it's ok


Anonymous said...

In my opinion Urban art is very important. The thing I like about Urban art is that it is available for everyone not just for some selected persons or art collectors.And the best thing about it is that it is absolutely for free.
I like the Pixel Pour 2.0 in New York City. It is very unusual instalation. It makes me think about the global problems like water shortage in Afrika. And I also enjoy the way how the artist have interpreted the water.
I would also like to see some instalations like this in Riga.

Anna :)

Anonymous said...

It is a street art, which combines different art forms and are located in cities. The works set up in order to attract people attention to various topical issues. I consider that works show both social and economic problems and have with a touch of humor. I think in this way is possible to attract a lager audience.
Most of all my attention was attracted by Murdered Phone Booth by Bansky.It is a stunning visual advertisiment of the old-fashioned telecommunications end, which faces modern communication sevices.


Anonymous said...

I like urban art. it's so amazing. we don't have to pay anything to see really great art and that's fantastic.
i liked all of them, but my favourite urban artist is Julian Beever with his 3d street drawings.

Anonymous said...

uj, Toms

Anonymous said...

1.Nowdays the urban art is very special for everyone, because this art form is much different than the others, because there appears a lot of unrealistic, abstract things! My opinion is that some of the urban art works can be affordable to us, but may also be unacceptable to us, for example, Berlin Installation by Isaac Cordal it is really scary for me.
2.900-Pound Box Man by Pablo Curutchet - I think it's mean that the water channel is close to the high pollution. Man of cardboard trying one last effort to get out of the channel.
Anete 11.d

Anonymous said...

I think that urban art is very interesting. It`s unusual and attractive. I like that they`re located in public places so that everyone can see them.


DD said...

Really liked the article, and Urban Art seems an interesting and unusual form of art to me. Would love to see something like this in my city.

Anonymous said...

It's always nice to see something unusual and if you can see it accidentally in your city it's even better. So I think Urban Art installations is great way how to attract people attention!


Anonymous said...

I think that all of the works are amazing, each artist express his thoughts and own opinion. It is impossible to walk by ignored. I think these works can inspire people, or maybe even shock them . Also I think that art street makes city more colorful. Of course these works are unusal because they are so orginal. Artists should be very proud of their ability to do that work. My attention catched ECONOMY ice scuplture because I have never seen nothing like this and it's very interesting and something to think about.

Laura 11D

Anonymous said...

I really liked this post. Especially because I can't saw such things on the streat or maybe somwhere in the old Riga every day.
I liked the most Berlin Installation by Isaac Cordal. It makes me think about how we, all world people, are drowning in self-excavated sea, where fear be not like everybody. We are afraid to experiment with our lives, or maybe just live them. That makes think, that abstract water someday will reach our heads and we will drown in this sea. We will go under the water because of running faster than time.

Viktorija (:

Anonymous said...

Urban art in my opinion is weird, but in the same time a little bit interesting. I wouldn't pay my money to see this type of ''art''.

Martins J.

Anonymous said...

I actually don't like urban art, because it doesn't make any sense, for example ''Five Orange Spheres by Stuart Williams''... could some1 tell me the point of it? a 2 yr old could think of that. ''Segmented Street Sign Sculptures by Robbie Rowlands''... if some1 crashes into a stop sign it's art all of a sudden.
some works are actually interesting, but I wouldn't call it art.

Anonymous said...

Urban art is something unusual what we cannot see every day. Why I like urban art is that everyone can understand it differently as they wish.
I like the "Melted Ice Cream Truck" in Adelaide, Australia. I think this work illustrate the global warming problem. It's nice to see that other people care and think about this. This is a good example to show the problems through art.

Anonymous said...

I think this form of art is very interesting and makes these boring streets more colourful. I wouldn't say that it's beautiful or I would like it in my room, but I would like something like that in Riga, because it makes us smile. I liked the melting ice cream car the most! I think it looks really good in summer.

Anonymous said...

My favorite scuplture was the "Melted Ice Cream Truck". In my opinion urban art will gain more popularity and will be seen in almost all of the worlds cities.

Anonymous said...

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